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Upcoming Events:















                                                  Every Sunday, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the parish hall. 














Members who serve have been emailed the ROTA.  Paper copies are also available on the table in the narthex.  Please note that if you cannot serve on a particular Sunday, please find a substitute and let Judy know the updated schedule so that the bulletin will be correct.  If you are a member of the vestry, please note that "Vestry on Duty" is listed at the bottom of each column. Thank you so much for your service!


















Coffee Hour Is Back!

We are so grateful to be able to share fellowship with one another again at our beloved Coffee Hour following the 11:00 a.m. worship.  Each Sunday we'll gather together in the parish hall.  If you can, please bring some prepackaged snacks to share.  We hope that you and your family will come and renew this time of fellowship and community in our parish.  Teens are encouraged to sign up as well!! 
















Monday through Thursday:

(9 pm eastern, on Facebook)










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